Update July 2018 Dear Shareholders and Residents Welcome to the newsletter and particular welcome to new residents who have moved here since last year. We hope you enjoy living in this special place. As stated in our newsflash statement issued in May this year, the Granville Cliff Estate Residents Committee and the Granville Cliff Estate [...]
Dear residents and shareholders As most of you are aware the Granville Cliff Estate Company was set up in 1998 to manage the roads, paths, banks and verges on behalf of and to the benefit of the Residents. The Company delegated the management to a Resident’s Association (RA) later that year who have carried out [...]

Welcome to Autumn, time again for setting the clocks back and enduring the long dark nights. Please be vigilant, make sure you have security lights fitted and padlocks on shed and garage doors. The darker nights enable criminals to identify if a house is occupied. If your house is not going to be occupied remember [...]

NATURAL ENGLAND COASTAL PATH Improvements to public access along the Kent coast; This is in the early stages of planning but it is currently a proposal that this pathway will run along the existing footpath on Preston Parade. They are planning stopping points where walkers can sit and picnic and enjoy the sea views. A [...]

A very warm welcome! A very warm welcome to new residents and those of you who are now around for the summer holidays which, we hope will be a scorcher! Please remember to let us have your email address for future correspondence if you have not already sent it in and, should it change, please [...]

Greetings and welcome to this latest edition of “GCNW Newsletter”, the content of which, as usual, I should most heartily like to commend to you – not just for your personal benefit but also to share with your friends and family. Gear Change For Drivers Photocard driving licences have been issued in the UK since [...]

The Canterbury District Neighbourhood Watch Annual Conference will be held on 28th March. Scam postcards are being delivered to UK residents’ homes claiming that a parcel containing “jewellery” is waiting for the homeowner. The personally addressed postcards say “The office is attempting to reach you. To claim this parcel and accept this offer, you must [...]

New Estate Website now available March 2015 We have a new web site which will assist solicitors making enquiries about the estate for prospective clients wanting details of the estate and its management. Residents are always making requests for information from the committee and the different chapters within the web site will hopefully enlighten our [...]

This autumn edition’s theme is centered on fraud and scams, both issues that cause misery and financial loss to an ever increasing number of unsuspecting victims within our communities. These are despicable crimes because they prey on the unsuspecting and vulnerable. The only way that we can ever help potential victims safeguard themselves against these [...]
Welcome to the November issue of the Granville Cliff Estate Newsletter. If like many, you love the changes in the seasons and what they bring, you will appreciate the present and distinct nip in the air and whiff of autumn. The November Update brings news of the roller coaster year we have had. If nothing [...]